Tango Blog
5 Ways Sales Teams Increase Predictability With Tango

5 Ways Sales Teams Increase Predictability With Tango

A Tango-branded screenshot of Guidance in action, with "Guidance for Sales" as the title.
Table of Contents
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🕺 Guidance at Work

This post is a part of Guidance at Work, a series dedicated to helping people get sh*t done without inefficient screen sharing, long videos, or wordy documentation.

The verdict is in—sales leaders have one of the most stressful jobs in the country. 

You don’t get into this line of work without proving you can channel pressure effectively. Hitting increasingly aggressive revenue targets is table stakes, regardless of where you are on the razor’s edge between “economic downturn” and “outright recession.” Navigating longer sales cycles and larger buying committees is officially the new normal (in case anyone’s wondering). Motivating, incentivizing, and enabling sales reps comes second to managing competing priorities, personalities, and skill gaps. Reporting on sales activity and opportunities with sufficient accuracy is more challenging than ever. And when you aren’t doing the full-time job of recruiting and retaining top talent, you have three meeting-free hours to build a predictable pipeline, drive efficiency in the sales process, monitor competitors, optimize the buying experience, and close more deals

We need a nap. 

You need Guidance.

💡 What's Guidance?

Guidance delivers interactive walkthroughs with personalized insights, created in seconds—in the flow of work.

So everyone can get stuff done, fast. Without stopping to search for answers, accidentally skew your data, or slow down deal velocity.

Find out how you can use Tango to increase predictability and: 

  1. Build a sales playbook people will actually use 
  2. Help new reps start contributing sooner 
  3. Enable every rep to deliver the perfect demo every time
  4. Create a customized trial experience that drives deep engagement
  5. Improve CRM hygiene and increase forecast accuracy 

Let’s start with how to drive adoption of the sales playbook you’re responsible for. 👇

1. Build a sales playbook people will actually use 

Resigned to creating a 40-60 page Google Doc that will be referenced by 2% of your salesforce in the next 10 months—or a library of training videos and slides that get buried in a bookmarks folder? 

We have a better idea. 

Capture best practices automatically

Before you can get into the strategy behind your go-to-market motion, sales process, buyer personas, target market, value proposition and messaging, sales scripts and templates, team selling, and metrics and reporting, you need to create about 50 how-to guides. Because sales reps need to know how to use your tech stack to do…anything of value. 

But most of your team’s processes and best practices are stuck inside the heads of your best reps. Who are focused on hitting their quotas—not on stopping to help others navigate various tools and technology.

That’s where Tango comes in. To quickly populate your sales playbook with training guides that don’t make people’s eyes glaze over, and make capturing best practices easy, fast, and fun. 

A GIF demoing Tango's Real-Time Capture feature (and how to make quick work of creating how-to guides).

All you need to do is run through a process the way you normally would on any website, SaaS app, or desktop software. Salesforce, HubSpot, Gong, Outreach, Salesloft, LinkedIn Navigator, Catalyst, Apollo.io, ZoomInfo, and Clari are all up for grabs—among hundreds of others. 

When you’re done capturing your clicks, Tango will spin up step-by-step instructions with cropped/annotated screenshots showing reps exactly what to do. 

🕺 Document the details, in seconds

Update and add new workflows in seconds 

Change is the only constant, right? With Tango, maintaining the sales playbook you worked so hard on is simple.

If you develop a better workflow for an existing process (like how to export data from Salesforce), you can:

  • Go to your current Tango
  • Hover over the area between steps
  • Click on the ➕ icon
  • Insert or capture more steps
  • Save your updated process
  • Check this task off your list 😊
💡 Tango Tip

The ability to "re-capture" is an especially helpful tool when you want to evolve your approach to required fields.

Maybe all closed/won opportunities used to need a start date. But to improve reporting accuracy, now you want reps to enter a brand new field called "subscription start date."

With re-capture, you can quickly swap in the edited instruction, share it with everyone in one click, and make sure your friends in Sales Ops can pull the data they need.

If you discover a new tool and need to add a workflow to your sales process, just follow the steps you took to create your first Tango.

🙏 Roll out a new process, without 1,000 questions

2. Help new reps contribute sooner 

Now you have a playbook for lead generation, pipeline management, closing, and forecasting—and a bunch of new sales reps. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re onboarding one sales development rep (SDR) or 20 account executives. You need them to be fully ramped and hitting their numbers in their first or second month, not the fourth or fifth. 

What’s the key? Teaching people to use your CRM as soon as possible, so they can focus on learning everything else.

Speed up CRM training and help new hires prioritize learning about your product, processes, and prospects

According to HubSpot, the average SDR ramp time is currently 3.2 months. If it feels like too much of that time is going towards teaching people how to click through software and perform administrative tasks, it probably is. 🙃

You know how you’d prefer to spend your time. Helping new hires prospect, start conversations, deepen relationships, and manage capacity. Celebrating the activities that drive results. Defining and driving accountability for deal engagement, deal creation, deals won, average sales price, and so on. But you can’t do those things when you’re stuck in the weeds, organizing sync meetings, and pointing people to hard-to-navigate knowledge bases, outdated training videos, and wordy wikis. 

With Tango, you can:

  • Create workflow documentation to cover CRM essentials and cut down on ad hoc interruptions
  • Standardize how to add and convert a lead, set up tasks and log activities, track progress on sales opportunities, and understand pipeline management and forecasting
  • Reduce the time it takes to master software and help new reps become experts on your solution, story, and customers
  • Guide people to success with interactive walk-throughs and surface the knowledge they need, when they need it
A screenshot of a five-star Tango Chrome Store review from a sales enablement manager.

Sell smarter with on-screen guidance 

Good news for anyone on your team with their eyes on the leaderboard (and the cutoff for President’s Club 👀 ). 

There’s a better way for top performers to help newer teammates hit the ground running, without compromising their own ability to get sh*t done. 

With Guidance, you can share your expertise without sharing your screen. 

When you visit a website or SaaS tool and there’s a Tango waiting in the wings, your Tango extension will light up to let you know Guidance is available.

A screenshot of Tango's extension discovery in action.

To view and select your SOP of choice, all you’ll need to do is click your extension. 

A screenshot of available Tangos for Any App.
 A screenshot of answers showing up in the flow—where and when they’re needed—with Tango.

From there, Guidance will walk you through exactly what to do and where to click, without ever leaving your screen.*

A GIF demonstrating how Guidance from Tango works (and makes it easy to help people get unstuck—without stopping, searching, or screen sharing).

*Note: To experience Guidance to the fullest, your team will need Tango’s free Chrome extension, a Tango account, and an invitation to your Workspace. 

3. Enable every rep to deliver the perfect demo every time

What would it take to help every rep demo like the best rep? 

Back up—what would it take to create better product demos at scale? 

If asking your #1 salesperson to embrace having a perpetual shadow and/or bribing your best content marketer to prioritize your needs aren’t viable options, we get it. 

Replicate your top performers 

While having everyone trail your top performers and having access to polished demo videos may sound like the dream, the reality is you need a scalable way to crowdsource pro tips, and people don’t like long videos with lots of fluff and a short shelf-life. 

By using Tango for product demos, you can:

  • Create your own demos (without waiting for your marketing team)
  • Blur sensitive/customer-specific information so you don’t have to start from scratch with every prospect
  • Adapt demos on the fly, as products and processes change
  • Supplement call recordings with step-by-step tutorials people can easily reference later
  • Curate insights from the most knowledgeable people in your org
  • Deliver hyper-relevant context in the flow of work

Sales managers, engineers, and reps can all share pro tips with contextualized Callouts and Comments, like these:

A screenshot of Callouts to catch people's attention and help your whole team work the way your top performers work.
A screenshot of Tango's Comment feature, which makes it easy to crowdsource insights from your best sellers.

What’s the result? 

Demos that pair procedural knowledge (how to achieve an end goal) with peer insights (how to execute like a pro).

Make objection handling your competitive advantage

Of course, the hard part of leading a demo isn’t knowing where to click. It’s knowing what to say, what to ask, what questions you’ll be asked, and—most importantly—how to handle objections.

With built-in Comments, all of your sales reps can:

  • Share feedback from the field, from existing customers who have had success
  • Add tips about what to say and when to say it to internal documentation
  • Include more nuanced instructions for prospects and customers
  • Cover anything they didn’t have time to demo live
  • Expand on the things that made decision makers light up
A screenshot from Tango of an interactive walkthrough telling 
you exactly what to do and where to click, without ever leaving your screen.
💡 Tango Tip

Creating internal documentation to help reps lead a killer product demo?

Add Gong links to Comments to help people listen and learn.

4. Create a customized trial experience that drives deep engagement

When your reps are firing on all cylinders, setting up an organized, hands-on trial of your product is a natural next step.

Trade generic documentation for customized documentation

You could be like every other option your prospects are considering and give your buying committee a quick start guide to learn their way around your product. 

Or you could:

  • Co-create a success plan with specific use cases for their trial plan 
  • Choose three things you want to help each stakeholder do—and quickly create Tangos tailored to each persona
  • Ensure every workflow is successful by creating Guidance for them
  • Enable your decision makers to make your solution an integral part of their day-to-day operations—and in doing so, drive more predictable revenue than anyone else

Your choice. 😁

See who’s using your Tangos, how far they got, and where they’re getting stuck

First you need to figure out how to create customized documentation at scale. ✔️ Then you need to make your documentation almost too easy to use. ✔️ And then you need to set up a feedback loop to see what is and isn’t working.👇

With Guidance Analytics, you can:

  • Access analytics to see what potential buyers are engaging with and where they’re getting stuck
  • Determine—at a glance—if they’re successfully using your product trial
  • Reach out to offer personalized help 

If you were sold at analytics—meet the dashboard designed to help sales teams drive deep engagement.

With Views in Overview, you can track how many views your how-to guides have gotten during a trial period. You can filter by viewing channel (e.g. workflow page, Embed, Guidance Panel, Guidance Live) and date. 

A screenshot of Guidance Analytics, showing the Views in Overview dashboard.

With Guidance Completion in Overview, you can track completion rate (how many prospects complete all the steps in your Tango), drop-off rate, and a detailed breakdown of where buyers are dropping off. 

Note: This dashboard is for Guidance use only. 

A screenshot of Guidance Analytics, showing the Guidance Completion in Overview dashboard.

With Viewers in Viewer Activity, you can see who’s using your Tangos and how often—and who your internal champions are.

A screenshot of Guidance Analytics, showing the Viewers in Viewer Activity dashboard.

Want to see where you’re losing people, too? With Guidance Progress in Viewer Activity, you can see where people are getting stuck—and coach your reps to reach out and offer personalized help. 

A screenshot of Guidance Analytics, showing the Guidance Progress in Viewer Activity dashboard.
💡 Tango Tip

Curious about what else you can do with Guidance Analytics?

Use your dashboard to understand where your team shines and quickly create additional training to address any knowledge gaps.

5. Improve CRM hygiene and increase forecast accuracy 

TL;DR: Predictability is the name of the game for you, your reps, and your CEO. 

Avoid garbage in, garbage out

It doesn’t matter how good you are at analyzing results from previous periods, calculating win rates, and refining your forecasting model if half your reps aren’t filling out the right fields in your CRM.

To make sales projections more precise, you need data you can count on. 

Tango makes it a lot harder for new reps learning the ropes and tenured reps who may resist new processes to mess up key inputs and skew your forecast. With Guidance and Callouts, it’s easy and fast to standardize processes involving data entry (while minimizing margin for error!). 

Don’t just circulate a dashboard—show senior leaders how to use it 

At the risk of stating the obvious—more accurate data means more accurate dashboards. Which means more informed decisions and realistic targets, more effective performance benchmarks and intelligent allocation of resources, and more closed deals and strategies that drive business growth.

All of those things will impress your C-suite. But if you really want to make an impact (and minimize follow-up questions), you can:

  • Create a Tango to guide your senior leadership team through your dashboard
  • Show how to manipulate the data, access various views, and put together compelling reports
  • Add callouts to explain how to interpret different patterns, trends, and anomalies
💡 Tango Tip

Want to Tango with the best of them? Don't miss our 21 ways to make better how-to guides.

The bottom line

Increasing performance, productivity, and revenue are all moving goal posts. What’s changing just as fast? The product(s) you’re selling, the buyers you’re selling to, and the software you’re using to do all of the above.

To enable your sales reps to do their best work—you need a new way to come together and get work done.

A Tango-branded image of a toggle button indicating get sh*t done mode has been activated.

With Tango, you can:

  • Create automatic how-to guides so everyone uses your CRM (correctly and consistently)
  • Help reps find success in seconds (without stopping to answer the same 15 FAQs) 
  • Clone your top performers, win over prospects, and delight more customers  
  • Trade unknowns and best guesses for data-driven plans and better projections 🎯
A summary of the top five ways sales teams increase predictability with Tango.

The next time you create a Tango to help a rep get unstuck or replicate a process, invite the rest of your team to experience Guidance—and watch your numbers grow. 📈

A screenshot of Tango's "invite your team" in-app form and functionality.


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