Compare four different tools

And choose the right one to match your project and meet your goal.

The "too long; didn't read"

Learning Management Systems and Knowledge Bases

Are good for increasing general knowledge (about your market, customer, company, product, or service).

Work Instructions Tools and Digital Adoption Platforms 

Are good for increasing software knowledge (and helping people do their actual jobs).

Learning Management System (LMS)

An LMS is a software tool designed to help create, deliver, and report on training courses and programs.

🏆 Your LMS is great for:
  • Improving soft skills through upskilling and reskilling
  • Sharing video content
  • Testing competency
⚠️ But it isn’t so great because:
  • Research shows people don’t like long videos
  • It lacks continuous reinforcement
  • It’s difficult for users to find answers later

Knowledge Base

A Knowledge Base is a digital repository of information about products, services, departments, or topics.

🏆 Your Knowledge Base is great for:
  • Storing evergreen, text-based reference material
  • Creating a single source of truth
  • Encouraging internal or external audiences to self-serve
⚠️ But it isn’t so great because:
  • It’s hard to search and find answers quickly
  • People don’t like text-heavy wikis and documentation
  • Users constantly have to switch tabs and contexts

Work Instructions Tool

A Work Instructions Tool is a screen capture technology that creates step-by-step guides and software SOPs (as you click).

🏆 Your Work Instructions Tool is great for:
  • Creating how-to guides with screenshots quickly
  • Avoiding tedious manual writing and formatting
  • Moving away from walls of text and long videos
⚠️ But it isn’t so great because:
  • Creators need a Knowledge Base to store content
  • Users have to read and memorize the content
  • It’s tough to measure adoption and ROI

Digital Adoption Platform (DAP)

A DAP sits on top of another product, app, or site and uses tooltips to guide users through specific tasks.

🏆 Your Digital Adoption Platform is great for:
  • Driving process adoption for software training and rollouts
  • Embedding instructions in the tools where people work
  • Measuring process adoption and ROI
⚠️ But it isn’t so great because:
  • It’s hard for process experts to create walkthroughs
  • IT/Security teams have to deploy code for every app
  • It doesn’t work well for multi-app business processes

Working on a software project?

Using an LMS, Knowledge Base, or Work Instructions Tool to train people on software just doesn’t work. No one wants to read and watch boring content, search for answers, or memorize dozens of procedures.

You need a Digital Adoption Platform—the only tool purpose-built for internal software training and rollouts.

With a DAP, you can:

Make software easier to learn

Minimize change for end users

Accelerate process adoption

Decrease mistakes and interruptions

Reduce training and support costs

Increase mental energy for more strategic work

Transform new hire time-to-ramp

Drive higher software return on investment

DAPs work in stark opposition to traditional software training methods—by putting the employee experience first and helping people learn software while they use it.

This way of thinking about software training is called Real-Time Enablement.

The trouble with most Digital Adoption Platforms

Most DAPs are (ironically) hard to adopt.
workflow builders
Clunky to
No compatibility with existing enablement tools
Difficult to
Individual setup (with help from IT) for every app
Complex to
An additional fee 
for every app
to buy

Enter a more modern DAP: 

Tango's Software Knowledge Layer

Tango's Software Knowledge Layer is a new kind of DAP that’s equally easy to use for process experts and their end users.

Benefits for
process experts

Benefits for
end users

Tango is easy to...

Set up

Use to create content
(without jQuery, CSS,
or HTML!)

Integrate with other tools

Roll out and measure

Tango is easy to...





Tango combines the ideal creator experience of a Work Instructions Tool with the ideal user experience of a DAP—and creates the ultimate internal software training tool.


No-code setup
Knowledge base compatibility
In-app walkthroughs
Seamless viewer experience
Process adoption analytics

Three signs you need Tango

Sooner rather than later.

You have a big initiative
You’re about to roll out new software and you’re worried people aren’t going to use it
You’re kicking off an organizational change related to software systems
You’ve been tasked with bringing in innovative software that enhances productivity
Something’s not
You’re struggling to set teams up for success without much documentation
You’re wrestling with how to integrate tech stacks and teams
It’s taking too long for new hires to ramp (and you can’t tell when they have and to what extent)
Business is
You’re spending a lot on XYZ software to solve a problem, and it hasn’t been solved
You only have visibility into product usage (when you care about process adoption)
Your team is constantly reacting to ad hoc software support requests
You have a big initiative
You’re about to roll out new software and you’re worried people aren’t going to use it
You’re kicking off an organizational change related to software systems
You’ve been tasked with bringing in innovative software that enhances productivity
Something’s not
You’re struggling to set teams up for success without much documentation
You’re wrestling with how to integrate tech stacks and teams
It’s taking too long for new hires to ramp (and you can’t tell when they have and to what extent)
Business is
You’re spending a lot on XYZ software to solve a problem, and it hasn’t been solved
You only have visibility into product usage (when you care about process adoption)
Your team is constantly reacting to ad hoc software support requests

How to get stakeholder buy-in for Tango

If your boss and co-workers aren't experts on the training and enablement tech stack, here are some questions to expect (and ways to answer them with ease).

We already have a Knowledge Base and/or an LMS. Why do we need another tool?
Hidden concern
Your stakeholder doesn’t understand the best use cases for all of your tools, and they’re too busy playing whack-a-mole with incoming requests to learn.
How to answer
Learning Management Systems and Knowledge Bases are for enhancing general knowledge—whereas digital adoption platforms are purpose-built for increasing software knowledge. 
Why do we need a Digital Adoption Platform?
Hidden concern
Your stakeholder is worried about investing in more tools that don’t actually solve the problems they said they would.
How to answer
Digital Adoption Platforms are the only tools in the training and enablement tech stack that are specifically designed for internal software training and rollouts.
What's the difference between Tango and every other Digital Adoption Platform?
Hidden concern
Your stakeholder doesn’t have all the knowledge they need to make an informed decision.
How to answer
Tango's Software Knowledge Layer is a modern version of a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) that’s easier to use and cross-app. Tango combines the ideal user experience of a DAP with the ideal creator experience of a Work Instructions Tool to create the ideal enablement tool for internal software training and rollouts. Learn more about Tango vs. other DAPs.
All we need is documentation and a training plan—can you figure that out?
Hidden concern
Your stakeholder thinks you might be making this harder than it needs to be—and success is more likely than it is.
How to answer
Studies show traditional documentation isn't working anymore, and the best companies are embedding answers in the tools where people work.
Don’t we just need more content (vs. yet another tool)?
Hidden concern
Your stakeholder thinks your LMS and/or Knowledge Base are underutilized, and the solution is to create more content.
How to answer
New software, process improvements, and UI changes already make content creation and maintenance hard. If we put answers in the tools where people work, we can create a virtuous cycle of analytics and feedback that will uplevel all of our process work.

Frequently asked questions

What type of tool is Tango?

Tango is a new kind of Digital Adoption Platform that makes business software user-savvy so employees don't have to be tech-savvy. It brings together the biggest benefits of a Work Instructions Tool (👋, click-to-create documentation) and a Digital Adoption Platform (👋, higher software process adoption).

Where does Tango fit in my existing software training tech stack?

Tango plays well with Learning Management Systems and Knowledge Bases, since they’re built for different purposes:

  • Your Learning Management System is great for upskilling and reskilling, improving soft skills, and assessing knowledge retention.
  • Your Knowledge Base is great for storing reference information, centralizing knowledge, and creating a single source of truth.
  • Tango is great for creating step-by-step how-to guides, increasing software process adoption, and embedding knowledge directly in the tools where people work.
What can I compare Tango to?

Tango is in a league of its own. 😁 But if you’re okay with an apples to oranges comparison, you can think about Tango alongside other Digital Adoption Platforms (WalkMe, Whatfix, Pendo, etc.).

If I already have an LMS, would I be buying something redundant with something like Tango?

You would not! You’d be rounding out your training and enablement tech stack with a tool designed specifically to teach people how to use software (and quickly adopt SOPs that improve business outcomes). Your Learning Management System would continue to be your best bet for developing and evaluating soft skills. P.S. It’s easy to embed and link to any Tango content you’d like from your LMS.

What makes Tango different from Scribe?

Both Tango and Scribe can help you create step-by-step guides quickly and easily. But in the grand scheme of things, the two tools are more different than they are alike. Learn more here.

Is it normal to have a Digital Adoption Platform *and* a Knowledge Base? When should I use one vs. the other?

100% normal—because Digital Adoption Platforms and Knowledge Bases serve separate needs and drive different outcomes. Here’s the TL;DR:

Digital Adoption Platforms are:
  • Purpose-built for software training and rollouts
  • Best at increasing process adoption (especially for evolving SOPs)
  • Ideal for delivering the right information, in the right place, at the right time
Knowledge Bases are:
  • Designed to centralize general knowledge
  • Suited for storing evergreen, text-based reference material
  • Made for teams who want a single source of truth (and are willing to search for what they need)
What software can I replace with Tango?

If you have a Digital Adoption Platform or a Work Instructions Tool, Tango can replace both. 💪🏽 And if you and your team are using manual screenshot tools and video capture software (and wrestling with formatting in PowerPoint, Word, and Google Docs), you can save A LOT of time with Tango. Take it from Nick Berry, Sales Operations Manager at Better Agency.

Don’t think that alone will get your manager’s attention? What Tango really does is give you a safety net for all the other software you’ve invested in—by ensuring your most important processes are accessible and streamlined for everyone. Software is the gateway to most knowledge workers’ (actual) jobs. Without a way to teach everyone how to navigate new technology and successfully adopt processes in your company’s most important tools, it’s hard to show ROI on your tech stack—or tie training and enablement efforts to business outcomes.

What can I do with Tango that I haven’t been able to do and can’t do with anything else?

Your LMS, Knowledge Base, and Work Instructions Tool are great for *some* things. But if you’re training people on software, you need a Digital Adoption Platform.

Nothing frustrates a busy employee quite like:

⏳ A 10-minute video 
😵💫 A PDF with 2,000 too many words 
🔗 A link to an outdated support article or Wiki page
🙄 A link to another Knowledge Base, when the first one didn’t help
👀 A request to memorizing (constantly evolving) software procedures 
🙅 More training, resource folders, and context switching
🔄 A “swivel chair culture” where they’re expected to “just ask for help” 

With Tango, you can:

  • Convince people that all knowledge isn’t created equal and doesn’t have the same business impact
  • Forget the software training workshops, lengthy how-to videos, and wordy PDFs
  • Curate highly applicable, trustworthy information (and ditch the rest)
  • Use cropped and annotated screenshots to show people exactly what to do and where to click
  • Deliver expertise in-context, at the moment of need, so people can return to doing what they do best
What is Guide Me?

Guide Me is an interactive walkthrough that shows users performing a software process exactly what to do and where to click, without ever leaving their screen. With Guide Me, you can help people get unstuck in their moment of need, deliver curated insights from experts, crowdsource improvements, optimize your workflows, and use analytics to provide personalized help to everyone who needs it.

What is Click-to-Create?

Click-to-Create is a beloved Work Instructions Tool feature that makes it easy to create and share beautiful how-to guides with perfectly cropped and annotated screenshots. With Click-to-Create, you can save hours documenting workflows on any website, SaaS app, or desktop software, update individual steps without redoing your whole process, protect sensitive data with advanced blur features, ensure data safety with SOC 2 compliance, customize guides to suit your brand, leverage multiple ways to share, sync to multiple Knowledge Bases with one click, and much more!

Who will I need to get on board?

Once everyone knows what you know—that Tango can be used for digital transformation, not just documentation—it may be helpful to get in touch with your security team, your systems administrators, and the teams that own your LMS and Knowledge Base.