Created with Tango Gallery

How to add and use the Linear plug-in for Intercom

Table of Contents
Created with Tango by:
Andrea Bailey
Last Updated:
May 18, 2023
Use case

In order to follow this Workflow, you will first need to install the Linear integration into your Intercom instance.

1. Go to Inbox | Tango | Intercom

2. Click on Customize

Click on Customize

3. Click on note

Click on note

4. Click on Linear to add the integration to your righthand sidebar.

Click on Linear to add the integration to your righthand sidebar.

5. You can then add a note and automatically create a ticket for engineering directly from the righthand sidebar, without needing to open Linear.

You can then add a note and automatically create a ticket for engineering directly from the righthand sidebar, without needing to open Linear.

6. Click on Done

Click on Done

7. Click on Create a new issue

Click on Create a new issue

8. Type Title of Issue

Type Title of Issue

9. Click on Choose one...

Click on Choose one...

10. Choose which team to assign your ticket to

Choose which team to assign your ticket to

11. Select the priority so engineers can know how to prioritize

Select the priority so engineers can know how to prioritize

12. If you know the name of who should be working on the ticket, you can assign it out

If you know the name of who should be working on the ticket, you can assign it out

13. You can also label it depending on your organization's structure in Linear

You can also label it depending on your organization's structure in Linear

14. Click on Create issue

Click on Create issue

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