Created with Tango Gallery

View Traffic & Goals by Campaign

Table of Contents
Created with Tango by:
Sean Foster
Last Updated:
May 18, 2023
Use case

This view will let you see traffic from campaigns that have a utm_campaign={campaign_name} in the URL when the user visits. This will include ANY campaign that is paid or otherwise, so long as the URL has a campaign parameter upon website entry.

1. Go to Google Analytics

2. Click on Acquisition in the left hand menu

Click on Acquisition in the left hand menu

3. Click on Campaigns

Click on Campaigns

4. Click on All Campaigns

Click on All Campaigns

5. Click on Goal to change the goal view for the Campaign

Most often this will be Sign Ups, as it relates to the marketing team. However, there may be other goals associated, so you can use this dropdown to adjust what goal you want to see by campaign

Click on Goal to change the goal view for the Campaign

6. Click on Goal 6: Sign Up (Event) OR the goal you're looking to analyze.

Click on Goal 6: Sign Up (Event) OR the goal you're looking to analyze.
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