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How to Change Font on Notion

Table of Contents
Created with Tango by:
Nicole Pietrangelo
Last Updated:
May 18, 2023
Use case

This step-by-step guide will teach you how to change your font style in Notion. Notion is a customizable platform that allows you the space to capture thoughts, manage projects, create workflows, and more. Changing your preferred font style within Notion should take 30 seconds or less!

1. Log into your Notion account

2. From the leftside menu, select the Notion board you want to work in

From the leftside menu, select the Notion board you want to work in

3. Click the 3 dots in the top righthand corner of the screen

Click the 3 dots in the top righthand corner of the screen

4. Select the font style style you'd like to use within your Notion board. Your options are Default, Serif, and Mono.

Select the font style style you'd like to use within your Notion board. Your options are Default, Serif, and Mono.

5. Enjoy your changed font style!

Enjoy your changed font style!

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