Created with Tango Gallery

Copying down an OKR status update from a prior week

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Created with Tango by:
Dan Giovacchini
Last Updated:
May 18, 2023
Use case

If your update has not changed week-to-week, it's okay to copy down an update from a previous week. (this should not be the habit for every week though!)

1. Go to Tango Big Rocks + OKRs · OKRs

2. Click on "Expand Row" of your KR

Click on "Expand Row" of your KR

3. Click on the Status action menu for the current Week

Click on the Status action menu for the current Week

4. Click on 🟢 On Track

Click on 🟢 On Track

5. Copy element

Copy element

6. Click on ​Notes area

Click on ​Notes area

7. Paste selected text into element

Paste selected text into element

8. Click on KEY RESULT…

Click on KEY RESULT…

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This is some text inside of a div block.